Materiały do utrwalenia - marzec

Litery: A,a ; O,o ; M,m ; E,e ; I,i ; T,t ; D,d; K,k; L,l ; Y,y ; R,r ; S,s ; N,n ; B,b ; G,g; W,w ; P,p ; Z,z ; U,u, C,c ; J,j

Liczby: 1-10


- dzielenie na sylaby podanych przez rodzica wyrazów np. tata (ta-ta)

- wymyślanie wyrazów na podaną przez rodzica literę np. j (jajko, jeż, jaszczurka)

- próby czytania sylab z poznanych liter np. ma - ma, ta - ta, ma - ta, do - my, la - ma, To - mek itp.

- próby czytania wyrazów z poznanych liter np. lama, jajko, papuga, zebra, mama, ul, Ula, mata, Ola, to, ta, tam, dom, domy, domek, kot, koty, lala, lale, kotki, lampa, leki, Lolek, lot, tama, ile, tak, Tomek, Romek itp.

- próby czytania zdań z poznanych liter np.:

Tomek to brat Julki. A Agata to siostra Karola. Karol ma psa Burka.

To moja mama. A to tata. A to ja Ola. Ja mam kota Asa.

To dom. On ma okna, dach i balkon. A to antena. Dom stoi pod lasem.

To jest las. Tu jest sarna, lis, ptak i sowa. 

Ala ma narty. Tomek ma sanki. 

To ule taty Olka. Tata dba o ule. Ma ul zielony i niebieski.


Piosenka ,,This is the way the bunny hops''

This is the way the bunny hops,

Hop hop hop,

Hop, hop, hop

This is the way the bunny hops

On Easter day!


This is the way he wiggles his nose,

Wiggle. wiggle, wiggle,

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

This is the way the bunny wiggles his nose

On Easter day!


This is the way he flops his ears,

Flop, flop, flop.

Flop, flop, flop

This is the way he flops his ears

On Easter day!


This is the way he shakes his tail,

Shake, shake, shake,

Shake, shake, shake

This is the way he shakes his tail

On Easter day!


This is the way the bunny hops,

Hop hop hop,

Hop, hop, hop

This is the way the bunny hops

On Easter day!

On Easter day!


Piosenka ,,How is the weather''

How's the weather?

How's the weather?

How's the weather today?

Is it sunny?

Is it rainy?

Is it cloudy?

Is it snowy?

How's the weather today?


Let's look outside.

How's the weather?

Is it sunny today?


Let's look outside.

How's the weather?

Is it rainy today?


Let's look outside.

How's the weather?

Is it cloudy today?


Let's look outside.

Is it snowy today?


How's the weather?

How's the weather?

How's the weather today?

Is it sunny?

Is it rainy?

Is it cloudy?

Is it snowy?

How's the weather today?